Intent: Introduction, Vision and Philosophy
The purpose of this document is to clarify the how, why and what of English teaching at Harris Junior Academy Carshalton. This is used by staff to clarify expectations, highlight the resources that we have access to, and to ensure that a high-quality English curriculum is being taught to all pupils in our academy. At HJAC, we are consistently developing our pupils’ spoken language, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary so that they can speak clearly, convey their ideas fluently and confidently and to ask questions. We are passionate that our pupils develop a love of reading and can take part in high-quality discussions about a range of texts; the texts that we have chosen for each class have been pitched at a higher level than their age group. At HJAC, we encourage pupils to express their ideas, exchange ideas respectfully and develop more sophisticated vocabulary.
Implementation: What does English look like at HJAC?
English in Key Stage 2
AT HJAC, for Key Stage 2, we teach English using high-quality texts per half term. Each half term, a range of genres are taught to develop children’s understanding of each. The features of each genre are taught explicitly, linked to the grammar as identified from our coverage overview. Our teachers bring these lessons to life through engaging hooks and a number of strategies including but not limited to: drama, modelled, guided and shared writing, discussions and debates, use of media, peer-editing. Spelling is taught every day using the Spelling Shed programme.
When planning, teachers will have access to a range of different resources and areas to support. Teachers will follow the given genres and grammar focus to ensure that coverage of the national curriculum and progression between each year group is secure. CPD is delivered through weekly staff meetings, INSET days and specific CPD sessions.
The sequence of learning recorded in children’s books highlights what the children have learnt, remembered and are able to apply and use independently.
At HJAC, we aim for our pupils to:
- read easily, fluently and with good understanding
- develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information
- acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language
- foster an interest in words and their meanings, and to develop a growing vocabulary in both spoken and written
- appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage
- express opinions, articulate feelings and formulate responses to a range of texts both fiction and non-fiction using appropriate technical vocabulary;
- develop powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness in all areas of literacy.
Children in Key Stage 2 have a daily reading lesson. These not only teach vital reading skills and comprehension awareness but also encourage a love of reading and develop children's fluency in reading increasingly complex texts. Most children in Key Stage 2 will already be competent with their phonics knowledge. However, if children require additional support in this area, for example if they join the academy with English as an Additional Language, then this support will follow our scheme of phonics Read Write Inc.
Pupils have a reading for pleasure lesson on a Monday and Friday. These sessions are designed for teachers to explicitly teach fluency and support children in improving their comprehension skills and strategies when reading independently.
Core reading lessons aid the recall of 6 reading skills which is used to aid the teaching of reading beyond phonics. Every reading lesson should have a clear focus that should be shared with the children. They are key skills that pupils need to be explicitly taught to improve their comprehension of texts, and enjoyment of reading.
• Vocabulary
• Inference
• Prediction
• Explanation
• Retrieval
• Summarise
Children should read at home for twenty to thirty minutes a day. Children in Years 3-6 bring home a levelled text at the appropriate stage for their reading ability and an age-appropriate book that they have chosen from the year group's selection for their reading pleasure. Children's reading at home should be recorded on their 'Read the Rainbow' bookmark. Certificates and prizes are awarded for children's completion of their bookmarks.
Impact will be seen through the children’s ability to read fluently and develop a love of reading. As part of the programme, staff are encouraged to continually assess the children to ensure they are receiving a provision that is adapted for their needs. Read Write Inc assessments are completed and analysed half-termly and children are moved to different ability groups as required. Each group is then given a specific focus based on the outcomes of the assessments and the resources to support this.
Overall English Impact at HJAC
At HJAC children are provided the opportunity to use language in a variety of ways. This enables them to record their learning in creative ways in their English/reading books. Evidence of the learning is dependent on the lesson outcome, year group and the knowledge and skills being developed. This can be in the form of but not limited to: extended writing, PowerPoint Presentations, class compilations, debates, photographs of practical activities, pupil voice.
Subject leaders will conduct learning walks and pupil interviews to measure the impact of our teaching, based on how much children can remember and how this has been applied in a number of outcomes.
Subject leaders will meet with their counterparts from our other cluster schools half termly and will moderate the planning, work and monitoring outcomes from their setting to ensure that standards are exceeding the expectations of the National Curriculum.