SEN & Disabilities
Our SENCO is Ms Burrows
Contact details: 0208 647 7324
At Harris Junior Academy Carshalton (HJAC) we work closely with staff, parents and pupils to ensure we are able to meet the needs of all children. We take students' individual educational needs very seriously. We understand that not every child learns in the same way, nor at the same pace. Due to this, there are a number of provisions in place to help our children learn at the best of their ability. For more information, please follow the links below.
It is also worth noting that from 1st September 2014, there are some changes to SEN legislation, following the Children’s and Families Act 2014. A summary of key changes are below but please follow the links below for more information.
The SEND Code of Practice key changes
The Code of Practice (2014) covers the 0-25 age range and includes guidance relating to disabled children and young people as well as those with SEND
There is a clearer focus on the participation of children and young people and parents in decision-making at individual and strategic levels
There is a stronger focus on high aspirations and on improving outcomes for children and young people
It includes guidance on the joint planning and commissioning of services to ensure close co-operation between education, health and social care
It includes guidance on publishing a Local Offer of support for children and young people with SEN or disabilities
For children and young people with more complex needs a co-ordinated assessment process and the new 0-25 Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) replace statements and Learning Difficulty Assessments (LDAs)
There is a greater focus on support that enables those with SEN to succeed in their education and make a successful transition to adulthood
Our Plan
For most of those that have SEND their needs can be met within the classroom with quality teaching and clear differentiation. For those that require additional support or a more specific type of support we will continue to involve outside agencies.
We have a number of specific Special Educational Needs Teaching Assistants. They will aim to help those within the classroom that need help in certain areas such as Maths, English and Emotions. This will be delivered on a termly basis.
Sutton’s Plan
The local authority (Sutton) has written a SEND charter which intends a high-level set of values and attitudes agreed by a wide range of stakeholder representatives with regard to how all across the authority approach SEND.
Alongside the charter, the intention is that this would be underpinned by various processes that support its values and provide a framework for interaction between the LA, Cognus, Schools/settings, Parents/Carers, young people and other professionals with regard to SEND matters. The Charter can be found by clicking here.
Provision for pupils with SEND
Quality First Teaching
HJAC is committed to providing an appropriate and high-quality education for all children. We believe that all children, including those identified as having Special Educational Needs as well as every other student, have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum. This curriculum should be accessible to them, and they will be fully included in all aspects of Academy life. For more information on how we differentiate the curriculum as part of our quality first teaching, please follow the link.
‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ Cycle
Part of the quality first teaching is to for staff to frequently and consistently assess the pupils for progress. This occurs every day from teachers questioning previous learning, marking independent work to termly assessments. For pupils who are identified to need additional support from HJAC follows the ‘Asses, Plan, Do Review’ cycle which is explained further here. Inclusion support available this year at HJAC is explained here.
SEN Register
It is the responsibility of the Academy to provide for pupils with additional needs.
All students who have been identified as having sustained Special Educational Needs will be registered on the school SEN register at School Support or as having an EHCP. Information recorded will include the category of need:
Communication and Interaction - this includes speech, language and communication needs and Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
Cognition and Learning - this includes specific learning difficulties.
Social, emotional and mental health.
Sensory needs - this includes visual and hearing impairments.
Please follow the link to our SEN policy for more information on the SEN register.
Graduated Approach and EHCP
Under the new code children with complex Special Educational Needs will be given an Educational Health Care plan (EHCP). To see whether a pupil requires an EHCP, Sutton requires the graduated approach to be established. For more information, please click here.
Where it is felt that these children can still be educated in a mainstream setting, the support outlined in the EHCP will be provided by the Academy in collaboration with the Local Authority.
SEND Information Report
Our SEND Information report and other key documents in regard to SEND at Harris Junior Academy Carshalton is available below.